Monday 4 June 2012

Kane def. WWE Champion CM Punk

Kane def. WWE Champion CM Punk in a Non-Title Match



After WWE Champion CM Punk made his entrance, Daniel Bryan came out for 
a little question and answer time, with Bryan supplying "Yes!" responses to inquiries 
"Am I going to be the WWE Champion in the Triple Threat Match at No Way Out?"
 Bryan then took a seat ringside to watch the battle between his two No Way Out 
Punk quickly took his match against Kane to the outside before going high risk with a 
double axe handle and a flying crossbody. The Big Red Monster replied by delivering 
kicks to Punk's midsection and dropped multiple splashes on him using the full force 
of his weight.
Kane tried to climb to the top rope, but Punk rocked The Big Red Machine with a 
running knee to the chin and followed with a bulldog and a clothesline off the top rope.
 None of it could keep Kane down for good. The Devil's Favorite Demon even kicked 
out following a flying elbow drop from Punk.
With both Superstars down on the canvas and weary, AJ ran out and jumped on to the
 apron. As Bryan berated AJ for trying to interfere, Punk leapt onto the submission 
specialist, and was promptly caught by a decisive chokeslam by Kane when he got back 
in the ring. While AJ tended to the defeated WWE Champion, The Big Red Monster 
turned his gaze to the Diva. Surprisingly, Bryan entered the ring to stop Kane from 
potentially harming AJ. After Kane tossed Bryan out of the ring, he locked eyes with
 AJ, which elicited a twisted smile from The Geek Goddess.
Does Bryan still have a soft spot for AJ? And why was AJ smiling when The Big Red 
Machine stared her down?
Backstage, AJ told Josh Mathews backstage that she likes it "when men look at her" 
 during a strange interview that made the commentator very uncomfortable.



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