Monday 4 June 2012

Sheamus def. Dolph Ziggler

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus def. Dolph Ziggler

Sheamus took the early advantage of this matchup, hitting a nice rolling senton on 
Dolph Ziggler, but a timely distraction from Vickie Guerrero on the outside swung the 
momentum in Ziggler's favor. The Showoff tried to wear down his much larger opponent
 with kicks to the midsection before nearly getting a three-count with a top-rope leg drop
 to the back of Sheamus' head. Finding his second wind, The Great White nailed Ziggler
 with White Noise out of nowhere and planted him in the face with a huge Brogue Kick for
 the win.
As Sheamus celebrated his victory on top of the stage, Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo 
Rodriguez ambushed The Celtic Warrior from behind. With Sheamus hanging off the stage,
 Del Rio locked on an excruciating Cross Armbreaker while Rodriguez cheered him on. The Mexican Aristocrat is clearly doing whatever it takes to weaken the World Heavyweight 
Champion weeks before their No Way Out clash.


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