Tuesday 16 October 2012

WWE Champion CM Punk announced who his opponent would be at Hell in a Cell

WWE Champion CM Punk announced who his opponent would be at Hell in a Cell



His week was up, and the hour of decision fell upon WWE Champion CM Punk this Monday on Raw. When the proverbial clock struck midnight on Punk's deadline to select his opponent at Hell in a Cell, who did The Second City Saint designate as the next challenger for his WWE Title? The answer, as it turned out, was ...
Well, at least not yet.
The Voice of the Voiceless did not deign to name his next opponent at the appointed time, instead choosing to bask in his beatdown and humiliation of Mr. McMahon the previous week. "I slapped Vince McMahon in the face!" Punk grinned with Paul Heyman at his side. "I think it's safe to say that you will never see Vince McMahon compete in this very ring ever again," Punk said, "and for that, you can thank me" (needless to say, longtime McMahon rival Heyman did not hesitate to do so). Moving on to the business at hand, Punk continued to expound upon the perceived smear campaign against his reputation and began to contemplate the choice of the devil he knows vs. the devil he doesn't.
On the one hand, Punk explained, was the monstrous Ryback, who to him has proven little more than an interloper who inserted himself into a conflict he had no part in. On the other hand was Cena, who has fallen to Punk several times before. So, with his options laid out, Punk turned to the covered easel erected in the ring and prepared to unveil his opponent, when the "disrespectful" roars of the crowd prompted him to "go back to the drawing board" and take a little more time with his decision.
Would this decision sit well with the powers that be?
As it turned out, there was no chance in hell, because no sooner had Punk dismissed the notion of unveiling his opponent than Mr. McMahon strutted out to the stage and reiterated to the champion that his time had run out. "You blew it," McMahon sneered, proclaiming that he would be selecting the new No. 1 contender. "Your fate at Hell in a Cell is in my hands," The Chairman grinned. "Respect that."



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