Wednesday 4 July 2012

Sheamus & AJ vs Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus & AJ def. Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero



After experiencing some friction on SmackDown last week, Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero’s partnership fell into further friction after they unsuccessfully challenged World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus and AJ in a Mixed Tag Match.
It was the “Queen Diva” Guerrero herself who instigated the action, shoving AJ (clad in CM Punk-inspired wrist tape) before the action could begin. The Showoff put in a strong effort against his No Way Out opponent Sheamus, mounting a calculated offense and attempting to weaken The Great White’s arm with an intricate series of technical holds. But the thunderous attacks of The Celtic Warrior left Ziggler battered in the ring, forcing him to tag in Vickie before he fell victim to the Brogue Kick.
It was AJ who scored the win for her team, felling Vickie with a Shining Wizard to the Queen Diva’s head and notching the 1-2-3, before snatching the microphone out of Justin Roberts’ hands and screaming “YES!” as she skipped away. However, her joy was cut short when she ran into CM Punk backstage and found The Second City Saint had entirely missed her match due to a personal phone call.



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