Recent Articles

Thursday 31 May 2012

Alberto Del Rio def. United States Champion

Thursday 31 May 2012 - 0 Comments

Kofi Kingston & R-Truth def. Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler

WWE Champion CM Punk revealed the official cover of the "WWE '13" video game

Daniel Bryan def. WWE Champion CM Punk in a Non-Title Match

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus def. David Otunga

Brodus Clay vs. Big Show turned into a wild brawl

Brodus Clay vs. Big Show turned into a wild brawl

Brodus Clay vs. Big Show turned into a wild brawl


Before the match even began, Big Show taunted Brodus Clay by 
calling The Funkasaurus a laughingstock who embarrasses himself 
on a nightly basis. The World's Largest Athlete then drilled Brodus 
with a huge spear, refusing to wait for the bell to dish out a 
mountainous load of punishment. Using the top of the announce 
table, Big Show slammed the splintered wood repeatedly onto 
Clay's back.

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus def. David Otunga

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus def. David Otunga

David Otunga tried his hardest to impress his boss by exerting 
his strength against World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus, but 
The Great White could only be held in check for so long. After a 
flurry of fists against the ropes, Sheamus nailed Otunga with a
 Brogue Kick in the face for the victory. 
WWE Champion CM Punk will defend his title against Kane on 
For the first time in four years, the WWE Championship will be 

contested on SmackDown. CM Punk will go up against the very 
man he whacked repeatedly with a steel chair – Kane – on SmackDown
 this Friday night. What fury will The Big Red Monster have in store for
 Punk as a response?

Daniel Bryan def. WWE Champion CM Punk in a Non-Title Match

Daniel Bryan def. WWE Champion CM Punk in a Non-Title Match

Things are really starting to get interesting between CM Punk 
and Daniel Bryan, and we're not even talking about the stellar 
action in the ring. Punk and Bryan hammered away at each 
other in this back-and-forth contest with kicks, submissions and
 high-risk maneuvers. Midway through the match, though, Bryan's ex-girlfriend AJ came out to the ring wearing Punk's official 
merchandise (T-shirt and wristbands) and began to cheer on 
The Straight Edge Superstar. 
After Bryan took advantage by wrenching Punk's left arm 
repeatedly, Punk found a second wind and mounted a rally, 
but the submission specialist seized the momentum again by 
nailing a punishing superplex. Bryan then took one of the turnbuckle covers off and AJ scrambled to tell the referee that Bryan was 
trying to cheat. As The Second City Savior shot AJ a disapproving 
glare, Bryan used the extra time to recover, planted Punk into the exposed turnbuckle and pinned the WWE Champion in the Non-Title Match.
Following the exhausting battle, Kane snuck up on Bryan, drove a 
steel chair into his back and chokeslammed him onto it, getting 
payback for Bryan's relentless assault on last week's SmackDown. 
Kane prepared to go after Punk next, but AJ came to The Straight 
Edge Superstar's rescue and slid him a steel chair so he could defend himself. Punk laid into The Big Red Machine with blow after blow of the steel chair as AJ watched and smiled. Perhaps having AJ as his adoring fan has its benefits after all.

WWE Champion CM Punk revealed the official cover of the "WWE '13" video game

WWE Champion CM Punk revealed the official cover of the "WWE '13" video game

Flanked by Eve and David Otunga, General Manager John Laurinaitis 
 made a few announcements, including that the match between John 
Cena and Big Show at No Way Out will now take place in a steel cage, 
and that Brodus will indeed face Big Show on tonight's Raw SuperShow. The GM then unveiled a fake cover of the "WWE '13" video game, with 
none other than "Mr. Excitement" smiling from ear to ear on the front. 
As he's prone to do, WWE Champion CM Punk interrupted Laurinaitis, stopping to place gum on the seat of Big Johnny's "People Power" 
scooter on his way to the ring. Punk proceeded to share some choice 
words about Laurinaitis before revealing the real cover of the "WWE 
'13" video game, with The Straight Edge Superstar gracing the awesome artwork. After Laurinaitis sputtered back up the ramp on his scooter, Punk drove his foot right through the fake cover.

Kofi Kingston & R-Truth def. Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler

WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston & R-Truth def. Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler


Kofi Kingston and R-Truth left it all on the mat with the WWE 
Tag Team Championship on the line. Jack Swagger and Dolph 
Ziggler momentarily seized the advantage of the high-adrenaline matchup, but some remarkable teamwork gave Kingston and R-
Truth the big edge. After R-Truth springboarded his tag team 
partner into Swagger, he drilled The All-American American into 
the canvas head first and secured the pinfall. After the match, 
Ziggler's short temper was on full display as he shouted, "I'm better
 than this!" to Vickie Guerrero and Swagger and stormed off. Can the 
duo of Ziggler and Swagger survive this misstep? One thing's for sure: The Show-Off is not a happy camper when he's on the losing end of
 any contest. 
Backstage, it appeared Big Show was about to unleash more of his
 rage, this time on Santino Marella, but Brodus Clay stopped The 
World's Largest Athlete and confronted him about talking trash 
earlier in the show. Big Show accepted Clay's challenge for a match 
and made him a promise: "Forget about dancing, because after tonight, you won't be walking."


Stone Cold stop General Manager John Laurinaitis

Why the WWE Universe needs "Stone Cold" now to stop General Manager John Laurinaitis

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin / John Laurinaitis

What would it take to overthrow Laurinaitis? God I hate that 
"What is going on with John Laurinaitis? Why is he still in charge 
of both Raw and SmackDown?"
"I'm sick of John Laurinaitis and I'm sick of the Big Johnny era!"
These are just a sampling of tweets from the last 12 hours.
Many members of the WWE Universe are clamoring for change. 
Beyond the social media outcry, there's the chorus of boos at live 
events, the colorful fan signs and angry rants on YouTube. 
At the end of the day, it's all white noise to Big Johnny.
Laurinaitis still reigns over both Raw and SmackDown. Teddy Long,
 the former GM of SmackDown, is still wearing a cleaning apron. And 
John Cena, the last Superstar who tried to derail "People Power," 
was knocked out cold twice on consecutive nights by Big Show, right 
after the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations signed the giant 
to an ironclad contract.
But there's one man who could potentially stop the tyrannical GM, 
and he's not even in the WWE locker room. Heck, he's someone who
 hasn't appeared on Raw in almost a year.
If you wanna see "Stone Cold" Steve Austin open up a can of you 
know what on Laurinaitis, give a "hell yeah!"

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Alberto Del Rio def. United States Champion

Tuesday 29 May 2012 - 0 Comments

Alberto Del Rio def. United States Champion

Alberto Del Rio def. United States Champion Santino Marella in a Non-Title Match

Leave it to Alberto Del Rio to rub in a victory with pain 
on top of pain. The Mexican Artistocrat made quick work 
of Santino Marella by locking in the Cross Armbreaker, but 
wasn't finished with the United States Champion there. Del 
Rio put Santino back in the excruciating submission hold as he 
no doubt tried to send a message to his opponent at No Way 
Out – World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. In a bit of a revenge 
from getting bit by The Cobra on last week's Raw, Ricardo Rodriguez
 then announced Del Rio as the winner right into Santino's ear while 
Alberto stuffed The Cobra tube sock into The Italian Stallion's mouth. 
Backstage, Eve told Big Show that John Laurinaitis is letting him pick his opponent for tonight's Raw SuperShow. Listening in to the conversation, Alex Riley then tried to tell The World's Largest Athlete that he's always admired him and didn't think it was right that the General Manager fired him. Big Show responded by viciously slamming Riley's head into the wall – 
a glimpse of the utter chaos to come from the mammoth Superstar.

Monday 28 May 2012

United States Champion Santino Marella def. Ricardo Rodriguez

Monday 28 May 2012 - 0 Comments

John Cena's

No Way Out

Cena Faces Giant Test

No Way Out Photos

Greatest Matches Step into the Elimination Chamber

Celebrating No Way Out's Return

Inescapable Excitement

Inescapable Excitement

Inescapable Excitement 

Browse through this video playlist celebrating great matches in
 the storied history of WWE's No Way Out pay-per-view. From Triple
 H vs. Cactus Jack inside Hell in a Cell to Shawn Michaels vs. JBL, 
this playlist is too good to pass up!

Celebrating No Way Out's Return

Celebrating No Way Out's Return 

No Way Out, the site of Eddie Guerrero's WWE Title win, returns to pay-per-view on 
June 17. Learn the historical significance of this exciting event, and see all that's 
changed in WWE since the last No Way Out. 

Greatest Matches Step into the Elimination Chamber

Greatest Matches Step into the Elimination Chamber 

Watch Triple H, The Undertaker, Edge, Jeff Hardy and other Superstars clash
 for the WWE Championship inside the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out 2009.
 The entire match is now available for on-demand viewing!

No Way Out Photos

Must-See No Way Out Photos 

After a three-year absence, No Way Out returns to WWE's pay-per-view lineup.
 Relive the glory and excitement of the past 11 No Way Out events in this 
comprehensive photo gallery.

Cena Faces Giant Test

Cena Faces Giant Test 

The World's Largest Athlete defected to People Power to get his job back, and now 
John Cena wants to settle the score. Can the Cenation Leader overcome the man who
 cost him the chance to see John Laurinaitis terminated? Or will Big Show drop another
 big right hand and put Cena down for the count?

No Way Out

WWE Presents No Way Out 

WWE's No Way Out 2012 airs live on pay-per-view Sunday, 
June 17, 
from the IZOD Center in East Rutherford, N.J.

John Cena's

John Cena's No Way Out History 

Although he'll be staring down The World's Largest Athlete on June 17, 
John Cena is no stranger to big-match situations at No Way Out. From warring 
with Kurt Angle to teaming with Shawn Michaels, look back at Cena's match history
 at No Way Out.

United States Champion Santino Marella def. Ricardo Rodriguez

United States Champion Santino Marella def. Ricardo Rodriguez

Four days after engaging in a debate over "the art of introductioning" on 
Monday’s Raw Supershow, Santino Marella squared off with a tuxedo-wearing
 Ricardo Rodriguez in a hilarious one-on-one match-up.
Toying with Alberto Del Rio’s personal ring announcer from the opening bell, 
the United States Champion made the WWE Universe fall out of their seats with 
laughter from start to finish. Then, moments after Santino's dizziness from his 
own airplane spin caused him to fall through the ropes, The Italian Stallion disappeared
 under the ring. As Ricardo waited for him to come out the other side, the titleholder
 re-emerged behind him and put him out of his misery with the Cobra.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Alberto Del Rio won the Triple Threat World Title No. 1 Contender’s Match

Saturday 26 May 2012 - 0 Comments

Big Show explained his treacherous actions

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus def. Jack Swagger

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus def. Jack Swagger

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus def. Jack Swagger

Sheamus offered the opinion that his shoving John Laurinaitis on 
 Raw SuperShow was either an accident or – if his naysayers
 are to be 
believed – an “accident on purpose.” Instead of apologizingto
 “Mr. Excitement
,” World Heavyweight Champion apologized for Laurinaitis being a
 “massive arse.” He then went on to ridicule Eve, David Otunga and
 even Big Show. 
Moments later, Vickie Guerrero interrupted, stating that Eve just
 informed her that The Celtic Warrior would go one-on-one with
 Jack Swagger.
Despite Guerrero’s interference and the All-American American’s
 unrelenting assault on an ankle injury that Sheamus suffered during
 the match, the first-ever Irish-born World Heavyweight Champion
roared back with the unending spirit of a true Celtic Warrior. When
 the dangerous Swagger went for the Gut-wrench Powerbomb, 
The Great White escaped – seconds before hitting the Brogue kick for the victory.

Big Show explained his treacherous actions

Big Show explained his treacherous actions at WWE Over the Limit

Expressing the deep betrayal that he felt from the WWE Universe, his fellow
 Superstars and even the WWE production and technical crew – resulting
 from their lack of support at his being fired on the May 14 edition of Raw
 SuperShow – Big Show denied he “sold out.”
Citing his realization that he is alone in the world, The World Largest Athlete
 went on to state that he made the choices he did – helping Big Johnny at
 WWE Over the Limit – to help him get his life back. Reliving the “ruse”
 he played on John Cena, the giant said that because the people never
 really cared about him, he no longer cared about them.
What will happen when Big Show faces Cena at No Way Out?

Alberto Del Rio won the Triple Threat World Title No. 1 Contender’s Match

Alberto Del Rio won the Triple Threat World Title No. 1 Contender’s Match

As Kane entered the ring to compete against Alberto Del Rio and Randy Orton 
in the Triple Threat World Title No.1 Contender’s Match, Daniel Bryan suddenly
 emerged from nowhere, unleashing an absolutely rabid assault on The Big Red Monster. After blasting him with a steel chair 26 times, WWE’s "Yes!" man left the monstrous target of his rage lying in the canvas in incredible pain. 
In spite of the incredible onslaught he suffered just moments earlier, The Devil’s
 Favorite Demon would choose to still compete against two of Friday night’s 
best for the right to face World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus at No Way
\ Out.
In the height of the action, Bryan returned with the steel chair. This would 
distract Kane long enough for Orton to regain the advantage and hit his 
masked opponent with the RKO. However, just when it looked like The
 Viper was going to grab the three-count, Del Rio took him out of the 
equation, stealing the huge win to become the new No. 1 contender 
for the World Heavyweight Title.
As the Mexican Superstar celebrated at the top of the ramp, 
Sheamus emerged, sending a clear message to his aristocratic 
new challenger that he can’t wait to kick his head off at the coming pay-per-view.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

John Cena vs. Big Show

Wednesday 23 May 2012 - 0 Comments

John Cena vs. Big Show: John Cena vs. Big Show As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures,  and it’s hard to argue that Big Show wa...

John Cena vs. Big Show

John Cena vs. Big Show

 John Cena vs. Big Show at No Way Out 2012

As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures, 
and it’s hard to argue that Big Show was anything other than desperate
 when he jumped ship to People Power and allowed John Laurinaitis to 
save his own job a mere six days after Big Johnny callously terminated the
 giant on Raw SuperShow.
Big Show’s appearance at WWE Over the Limit was meant to herald the 
death bell for Laurinaitis’ much-maligned movement, but the giant planted 
his signature WMD against the face of John Cenainstead, helping Mr. 
Excitement retain his job and keep People Power chugging along.  And with 
The World’s Largest Athlete reinstated by a grateful Laurinaitis and Cena 
looking to settle the score, it’s only right that the two should face off 
one-on-one at No Way Out.
Cena and Big Show have, it should be noted, a more contentious history
 than the WWE Universe might remember. The giant famously 
 Cena through a spotlight at Backlash 2009 (WATCH), and The World’s
Athlete clashed with The Cenation Leader over the United States
 at WrestleMania XX (Cena won that contest, relieving the giant of the title). 
Big Show had worked prior to Over the Limit at keeping the WWE Universe
 in his good graces, but as the giant announced on Raw SuperShow the 
night after Over the Limit, he seems to feel his efforts have been 
Show claimed that Cena and the WWE Universe were not qualified to 
 him, and his decision was made for love of the business and the 
of his new, "ironclad" contract. He did what he had to do, despite 
the steepness
 of the price.
The price may yet get steeper, though. With Cena’s nemesis 
still running the 
show, and with a 7-foot wrecking ball at his disposal to boot, Cena is
 looking to make Show answer for his actions. After all, as the other saying
 goes, what goes around comes around, and The World’s Largest Athlete
 might well find it’s time to pay the piper when he meets Cena one-on-one.

Is General Manager John Laurinaitis unstoppable?

Is General Manager John Laurinaitis unstoppable?: Is General Manager John Laurinaitis unstoppable?   Jeer him all you want. Try to overthrow him from power. John Laurinaitis keeps fi...

Is General Manager John Laurinaitis unstoppable?

Is General Manager John Laurinaitis unstoppable?

John Laurinaitis

 Jeer him all you want. Try to overthrow him from power. John Laurinaitis keeps finding a way to endure – and thrive – as General Manager of Raw and SmackDown.
Heading into Laurinaitis' match against John Cena at WWE Over the Limit, the WWE Universe didn't give the GM a puncher's chance of defeating Cena and avoiding termination. But if we've learned anything from Laurinaitis' tenure in WWE, it's this: Big Johnny makes his own odds.
By firing and then enlisting the help of Big Show to pull off a monumental upset over Cena, the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations showed just how resourceful and determined he can be when the cards are stacked against him. And by fighting through tremendous pain in his match, Laurinaitis also proved what lengths he's willing to go to remain in charge.
Laurinaitis has now thwarted opposition from Cena, WWE Champion CM Punk and WWE COO Triple H, among others, during the seven months since he was first appointed as the Interim General Manager of Raw on Oct. 10, 2011. He's survived two extremely close calls in that span, including a tumultuous period in February when he had to plead to the WWE Board of Directors to keep his job as Raw GM. 
As much as members of the WWE Universe may loathe this question, it needs to be asked: Can anyone stop John Laurinaitis? Is it even worth the trouble of attempting to derail “People Power” anymore?
Sure, there are other Superstars in the WWE locker room who wish they could oust Laurinaitis from his executive throne. But every single one of them knows the price they must pay for taking a stand against the vindictive boss. Sheamus became the latest casualty caught in the battle lines when he rushed to the Cenation leader's aid on Monday night's Raw SuperShow. Wasting no time in choosing a punishment for The Great White, Laurinaitis forced him into Raw's first-ever 2-on-3 Handicap Tag Team Lumberjack Match.
Another obstacle that any detractor faces is the faithful legion of supporters who continue to endorse Laurinaitis' leadership, regardless of how controversial his methods may be. Whether it be power-hungry advisors like Eve and David Otunga, or those simply looking to hold on to their WWE roster spots like The World's Largest Athlete, the General Manager has some formidable followers watching his back.
At this point, it seems that only the Board of Directors might have the supremacy to take Laurinaitis off his path of dominance. Anyone else could just be asking for a world of hurt – Big Johnny's world.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Christian won 20-Man Battle Royal

Tuesday 22 May 2012 - 0 Comments

Christian won 20-Man Battle Royal: Christian won 20-Man Battle Royal Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes and United States Champion  Santino Marella kept a close...

Christian won 20-Man Battle Royal

Christian won 20-Man Battle Royal

Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes and United States Champion 
Santino Marella kept a close eye on The Great Khali, The Miz and David 
Otunga as they battled in the 20-Man Over-the-Top Rope “People Power” 
Battle Royal that kicked off WWE Over the Limit — and with good reason. 
The winner of the melee, which was announced by Executive Administrator
 Eve in an effort to end a running dispute between Rhodes and Santino about
 the prestige of their respective championships, would be granted a Title Match
 later in the night to challenge for his choice of either the Intercontinental or the 
U.S. Championship.
If the announcement of the Battle Royal itself and the promise of an unexpected
 title match weren’t exciting enough, the sound of Christian’s entrance music sent shockwaves through the WWE Universe members in attendance.
Christian had not appeared in WWE since the March 16 episode of SmackDown, where he delivered a special edition of "The Peep Show." Before that, Christian
 was taken out by WWE Champion CM Punk on Raw SuperShow just days
 before Captain Charisma was to take part in the six-man tag match as a 
member of Team Johnny at WrestleMania XXVIII. That match against Punk 
ended in a no contest and Christian re-aggravated a prior neck injury thanks to
 an overlong Anaconda Vise by the champion.
Christian’s arrival sent the WWE Universe into a frenzy, and also left Rhodes
 and Santino clearly shaken as the two champions exchanged a worried glance
 at ringside when Captain Charisma made his entrance. When the bell rang, the
 ring was literally overflowing with Superstars as Drew McIntyre, Ezekiel 
Jackson, William Regal, The Usos and others all battled for a title
As always with over-the-top rope matches, alliances were formed and 
broken in record time. Titus O'Neil and Darren Young were able to tag team 
The Great Khali, dumping the giant over the ropes and bringing a sigh of 
relief to the lips of Rhodes.
Competing in his first official match since Nov. 11, 2011, Christian 
demonstrated the absence of any "ring rust" as he tangled with and
 ultimately eliminated William Regal.
When The Miz eliminated Alex Riley, it was left to The Awesome One, 
Tyson Kidd, Otunga and Christian to duke it out. Kidd was impressive
 but was dumped over the top by Otunga as he and Miz battled on the 
Christian was then immediately double teamed by Miz and Otunga. Yet, 
despite months of inactivity, Captain Charisma fought his way out of trouble 
to eliminate Otunga. Miz and Christian were left to determine who would get
 a title chance later in the night, but it was the returning Christian who found an opening when The Awesome One spilled out onto the apron. A driving shoulder knocked Miz to ringside and catapulted Captain Charisma to victory. 
As he departed the ring, Christian gestured to Santino, perhaps eyeing the Milan Miracle’s U.S. Championship for later in the night.

Beth Phoenix def. Kelly Kelly

Beth Phoenix def. Kelly Kelly: Beth Phoenix def. Kelly Kelly Fresh off her selection to Maxim's new Hot 100 list, Kelly Kelly laid into Beth Phoenix with a ser...

Christian def. Jinder Mahal

Christian def. Jinder Mahal: Intercontinental Champion Christian def. Jinder Mahal he new Intercontinental Champion is proving he's ready to be an all-out workho...

Christian def. Jinder Mahal

Intercontinental Champion Christian def. Jinder Mahal

he new Intercontinental Champion is proving he's ready to be an all-out workhorse. 
Christian, just one day after participating in a 20-Man Battle Royal and shocking 
Cody Rhodes, made his return to Raw to defend his title against Jinder Mahal. 
Less than 24 hours after competing in two intense battles at WWE Over the Limit, 
Captain Charisma rallied back against Mahal and hit the Killswitch. Christian didn't 
go for the pin there, however, opting to finish Jinder off with a surprising frog splash
 for the emphatic victory.

Beth Phoenix def. Kelly Kelly

Beth Phoenix def. Kelly Kelly

Fresh off her selection to Maxim's new Hot 100 list, Kelly Kelly laid into
Beth Phoenix with a series of kicks, showing off some early aggression 
 matched up against her longtime Diva rival. But right as Kelly Kelly tried to 
execute a handspring elbow in the corner, Phoenix responded with a crushing 
double axe handle to the back of Kelly Kelly's head. From there, it was just a
 matter of "Glam Slam. Ding," as The Glamazon likes to say on Twitter. 
One can imagine what was going through the mind of Divas Champion
 Layla as she watched Beth's win closely on a backstage monitor.

cena callout big show

cena callout big show: Massive brawl breaks out and John Cena gets knocked out john Cena called out Big Show; match made for No Way Out One look at John Cena...

John Cena def. David Otunga

John Cena def. David Otunga: John Cena def. David Otunga; 2-on-3 Handicap Lumberjack Match set With his boss watching on, David Otunga tried his best to impress agai...

Randy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio

Randy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio: Randy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio by Disqualification   In a bit of high comedy, Santino Marella made fun of Ricardo Rodriguez's eyebrow...

kane def. Daniel Bryan

kane def. Daniel Bryan: kane def. Daniel Bryan Daniel Bryan is not a happy camper. The irate submission specialist showed the crowd  photos of his WWE Over ...

wwe: John Cena & Sheamus vs. Tensai, Dolph Ziggler & Ja...

wwe: John Cena & Sheamus vs. Tensai, Dolph Ziggler & Ja...: John Cena & Sheamus vs. Tensai, Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger ended in a No Contest (2-on-3 Handicap Lumberjack Match)   From the early g...

John Cena & Sheamus vs. Tensai, Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger

John Cena & Sheamus vs. Tensai, Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger ended in a No Contest (2-on-3 Handicap Lumberjack Match)


From the early going, there was no doubt that John Cena and Sheamus had their
work cut out for them. Isolating The Great White at a distance from his tag team partner,
 Tensai twisted and yanked on Sheamus' head like it was a stripped screw. After Sheamus
 was tossed to the outside, the Laurinaitis hand-picked lumberjacks let loose with a flurry
 of punches and kicks, further weakening The Celtic Warrior. Every time Sheamus \
appeared closer to mounting a rally, the trio of Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger & Tensai made
 sure to stop him right in his tracks.

Remarkably, Sheamus found the momentum he needed to tag Cena by executing a rolling
 senton against Ziggler, and The Cenation Leader followed with a couple of turbocharged 
shoulder blocks. The comeback wouldn't last long, though, as the lumberjacks pulled
 Sheamus off the apron and promptly mauled The Great White before storming the 
ring to turn their attention to Cena. A huge brawl then broke out as the locker room
 emptied and a horde of Superstars rushed to the ring to exchange blows with the
 lumberjacks. Meanwhile, Big Show watched all the chaos unfold from the stage.
The melee raged on and Cena went to the backstage area in search of The World's 
Largest Athlete, but found himself face to face with Laurinaitis instead. The General 
Manager reiterated to Cena that he wasn't allowed to lay a finger on him or else the 
Cenation leader would be terminated. As Cena turned away from Laurinaitis, he was
 knocked out cold by Big Show's ferocious WMD for the second night in a row.


kane def. Daniel Bryan

kane def. Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan is not a happy camper. The irate submission specialist showed the crowd 
photos of his WWE Over the Limit match against CM Punk, alleging that the WWE 
 Champion tapped out to the "Yes!" Lock before Punk notched the pinfall. The Straight
Edge Superstar retorted that the count of 1-2-3 obviously happened first, which makes
 any submission afterward irrelevant. To be fair, as announcer Michael Cole pointed out,
 Bryan still proved to the WWE Universe that he could make the WWE Champion tap out. 
The Second City Savior then revealed that Bryan's next opponent would be none other than
 Kane! With Punk dishing out some running commentary, Bryan did his best to wear down 
The Big Red Monster. But as Punk toyed with Bryan on the outside, Kane used the extra
 time to recover, then drove the former World Heavyweight Champ into the mat with a 
massive chokeslam for the victory. Following the match, Punk added insult to injury by 
locking Bryan in an excruciating Anaconda Vise.

Randy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio

Randy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio by Disqualification


In a bit of high comedy, Santino Marella made fun of Ricardo Rodriguez's eyebrows,
 saying they looked like "caterpillars," and the two proceeded to get into a duel over
who can roll their "R"s better. After the verbal spat, Santino struck Ricardo with The 
Cobra and did his best impersonation of Ricardo by introducing Alberto Del Rio for his
 match against Randy Orton
Del Rio repeatedly targeted Orton's shoulder throughout the contest, trying to soften him
 up for the Cross Armbreaker. Although clearly ailing, The Viper found his second wind and
 planted The Mexican Aristocrat with a vicious DDT off the second rope. Before he could 
finish Del Rio off with an RKO, however, Chris Jericho came out of nowhere and planted his
 knees into Orton's face with a Codebreaker. Not satisfied there, Jericho delivered two more Codebreakers on Orton, sandwiched between relentless taunts of "I am the best in the world at everything I do!" The Mental Mastermind definitely made a powerful statement coming off his loss in the Fatal 4-Way Match at WWE Over the Limit (a clash that also included Orton and Del Rio).


John Cena def. David Otunga

John Cena def. David Otunga; 2-on-3 Handicap Lumberjack Match set

With his boss watching on, David Otunga tried his best to impress against john cena
 . But Laurinaitis' legal counsel quickly found himself overmatched and tapped out to the 
STF. Right after the bell rang, chaos erupted as numerous Superstars rushed to the ring 
and ganged up on Cena. As the Cenation leader struggled to fight back, Sheamus rushed 
out to back up Cena. As The Great White cleaned house, Laurinaitis announced that the
 main event would be Raw's first-ever 2-on-3 Handicap Lumberjack Match, with Cena and 
Sheamus joining forces to face three opponents of the GM's choosing. 



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